The Old Man Movie
Oskar Lehemaa, Mikk Mägi
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Unearthed Animation

Unearthed Animation


In a remote Estonian village, three children from the city are forced to spend the summer on their grandfather's farm. When the trio accidentally set loose the old man's prized but thoroughly abused cow, they learn that they have only 24 hours to milk the rogue bovine before it's exponentially expanding udders explode and unleash a milk-pocalypse. To complicate this crisis, a decrepit and disgraced farmer with a body literally infused with milk and a prejudice for cattle is also determined to catch the animal, but with murderous intent. Based on a popular Estonian web series created by Peeter Ritso and Mikk Mägi, so proceeds the most outrageous stop-motion comedy since A Town Called Panic.

  • Original language in Estonian with English subtitles
  • New English Dub
  • Old Man Shorts: "The Taste of Cow!", "I went to sauna with grandchildren!", "The Old Man is tired.", "My cow gave birth!"
  • Trailers
  • CATALOG # UN-1132
  • ASPECT RATIO 2.35:1
  • COLOR Color
  • AUDIO 5.1 DTS-HD, 2.0 PCM
  • YEAR 2019
  • RUNNING TIME 88 Minutes
  • SUBTITLES English
  • RELEASE DATE August 9, 2022
The silliness in The Old Man Movie is off the charts; as I recently remarked to a friend, this is the most ridiculous moo-vie I've seen all year. Giles Edwards, 366 Weird Movies
The Old Man Movie (or Vanamehe film in its original Estonian) is half Fritz the Cat, half Shawn the Sheep, a bawdy stop-motion delight that goes right up to the line of acceptable good taste, then stomps all over it with dung-covered boots. Richard Whittaker, The Austin Chronicle
Highly recommended for fearless fans of cult animation. Joe Bendal, JB Spins
The Old Man Movie is a unique, strange, yet also interesting journey of a family and their connection with their cows. The film is definitely one of the most unique experiences and that is not something that this reviewer says lightly. Julie Grey, Keith Loves Movies
The Old Man Movie lives up to the hype and is the wild 88-minute ride of unhinged, sidesplitting stop-motion silliness it promises to be. Sean Coates, Movie Babble
Gonzo animation is a love-it-or-leave-it genre, but fans of absurd cinema will want to check out 'The Old Man Movie,' an eclectic stop-motion film from Estonia. Louisa Moore, Screen Zealots
what really makes the film is that it isn't just mad for the madness's sake but creates a coherent world in which all the insanity makes some sense - and within that context, the film is also dead funny, you're almost sure to be entertained. Mike Haberfelner, Search My Trash
The Old Man Movie
Oskar Lehemaa, Mikk Mägi


In a remote Estonian village, three children from the city are forced to spend the summer on their grandfather's farm. When the trio accidentally set loose the old man's prized but thoroughly abused cow, they learn that they have only 24 hours to milk the rogue bovine before it's exponentially expanding udders explode and unleash a milk-pocalypse. To complicate this crisis, a decrepit and disgraced farmer with a body literally infused with milk and a prejudice for cattle is also determined to catch the animal, but with murderous intent. Based on a popular Estonian web series created by Peeter Ritso and Mikk Mägi, so proceeds the most outrageous stop-motion comedy since A Town Called Panic.

  • Original language in Estonian with English subtitles
  • New English Dub
  • Old Man Shorts: "The Taste of Cow!", "I went to sauna with grandchildren!", "The Old Man is tired.", "My cow gave birth!"
  • Trailers
  • CATALOG # UN-1131
  • ASPECT RATIO 2.35:1
  • COLOR Color
  • AUDIO 5.1, 2.0
  • YEAR 2019
  • RUNNING TIME 88 Minutes
  • SUBTITLES English
  • REGION 1
  • RELEASE DATE August 9, 2022
The silliness in The Old Man Movie is off the charts; as I recently remarked to a friend, this is the most ridiculous moo-vie I've seen all year. Giles Edwards, 366 Weird Movies
The Old Man Movie (or Vanamehe film in its original Estonian) is half Fritz the Cat, half Shawn the Sheep, a bawdy stop-motion delight that goes right up to the line of acceptable good taste, then stomps all over it with dung-covered boots. Richard Whittaker, The Austin Chronicle
Highly recommended for fearless fans of cult animation. Joe Bendal, JB Spins
The Old Man Movie is a unique, strange, yet also interesting journey of a family and their connection with their cows. The film is definitely one of the most unique experiences and that is not something that this reviewer says lightly. Julie Grey, Keith Loves Movies
The Old Man Movie lives up to the hype and is the wild 88-minute ride of unhinged, sidesplitting stop-motion silliness it promises to be. Sean Coates, Movie Babble
Gonzo animation is a love-it-or-leave-it genre, but fans of absurd cinema will want to check out 'The Old Man Movie,' an eclectic stop-motion film from Estonia. Louisa Moore, Screen Zealots
what really makes the film is that it isn't just mad for the madness's sake but creates a coherent world in which all the insanity makes some sense - and within that context, the film is also dead funny, you're almost sure to be entertained. Mike Haberfelner, Search My Trash